Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bonjour mon ami

As my Airbus bumped its way through tropical storm over the Equator on Monday night I began to wonder if i would make it here at all. Fortunately the on-board computer (which, it seems, is the only thing capable of flying an Airbus) did a wonderful job and we touched down safely at Heathrow. I briefly discovered the joys of Terminal 5, which is probably one of the nicest places in all of Britain, before jetting off to Nice.
So here I am. Cannes. I must state right now that I am writing this in the Business Centre of the hotel - on a French keyboard. French keyboards are, well, very French. Meaning they are different just for the hell of it, uncooperative and everything is not quite as it seems. I had to get the receptionist to come and help me make an @ symbol, which is humiliating in the extreme.
We had our jury dinner last night in a very smart restaurant where the starters cost about the same as a downpayment on a small car. I met some of my fellow jury members. Every single member of the 18 person jury is from a different country. Its a bit like Miss World, except you dont have to answer that question about if there was one thing you would do for the world what would it be. And no bikini contest.
I have just discovered the apostrophe. ' . There. Please excuse the previous couple of hundred words which completely neglected it. Anyhow the jury are all very wise and all seem to know a lot more about promotional advertising (which is my category) than I do, but I figure I can wing it for the next few days by nodding sagely. Next time I hope to write this on my laptop, which is lying disabled in my room due to plug incompatibility. I miss my keyboard.

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